Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Talk Derby to Me, Baby!

This well-rounded boy was submitted to us by a very smitten girl. She tells us that Dave A. is a resident of Logan Square, a dad to 2 girl dogs, a coach for the 'Double Crossers' of the Windy City Rollers, a hockey player for the Boozehounds at Johnny's Icehouse beer league, and a buyer for hospitality renovation. What a guy! Meet Dave A., our first Derby Boy!

Name: Dave A.
Age: 30
Neighborhood: Logan Square
Hometown: South Bend, IN
Occupation: SEE ABOVE!
Orientation: Straight
Status: Taken-ish
Sign: Virgo
Fun Fact: This boy is a mostly vegetarian foodie with a particular penchant for SPICE! His younger brother has deemed him a hipster, but his friends consider him just well-rounded. He hearts the Coen brothers, Oscar Wilde, Chekov, and fresh vegetables.

See more of Dave on his profile over at Windy City Rollers