Monday, August 24, 2009

I'll Drink Your Moonshine Anytime

We couldn't help but swoon when Lula Cafe bartender Brenton E. was mixing us drinks in the middle of the afternoon (that's how we do it here at Find out more about this full-time bartender, part-time bootlegger, and bassist of local band Pool of Frogs: Meet Brenton E!

Name: Brenton E.
Age: 25
Neighborhood: Logan Square
Hometown: a tiny town in Southern Illinois, moved here 6 years ago
Occupation: Bartender and Musician
Orientation: Straight
Status: Available!
Sign: Libra (the only inanimate sign out there!)
Wearing: A nice button up shirt that matched his bar
Seen: Shaking drinks behind the bar at Lula Cafe
Fun Fact: I make homemade whiskey in my basement. Don't ask me my address because its a federal offense. It's called 'Illinois Joy' and I'm experimenting making corn vodka at the moment too!
You can find me: Two Way Lounge, baby! I hang out here, at Lula, a lot. Also The Whirl-a-way, the Whistler, and the Empty Bottle (my roommate works there)

Brenton's band Pool of Frogs is playing this Friday, Aug 28 @ the Hideout! Check 'em out!


  1. Totally boring looking

  2. in person his eyes will DESTROY you

  3. Destroy my eyes, fair prince! Then heal me with homemade whiskey...I mean come on. That shit is Shakespearean! Let's do this!

  4. holler. just found this site. loves it and even blogged about it. you go girls.

  5. @Anonymous #1

    Foolish, this dude is ridiculously attractive. Go to Lula, hang out at the bar, and swoon. In that order.
