Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All Bets are Off Around this Cute Poker Player

Meet Krisno B., a Logan Square guy that flexed his muscles for us when he volunteered at our bake sale at the Farmers Market this past Sunday. He not only did some heavy lifting, he also kept us entertained and giggly with his silly humor and dance moves that rival Justin Timberlake himself!

Name: Krisno B.
Age: 26
Neighborhood: Logan Square
Hometown: Madiun, Indonesia
Occupation: Server at Japonais / Small Stakes Grinder Poker Player
Orientation: Straight
Status: Taken
Sign: Sagittarius
Wearing: Thrift store polo shirt and black Dickies shorts
Seen: Volunteering at the Cute Chicago Boys bake sale held last Sunday at the Logan Square Farmers Market
Fun Fact: I learned how to dance from watching MTV, which is also how I learned to speak English. I've lived in four different countries... been to Las Vegas 42 times... and I once lost $10,000 playing blackjack
You can find me: Playing poker, golf, or any other sport. Working at Japonais and hitting up Motel Bar or The Whistler after my shift